Convert Sovereigns, Silver Pounds, Shillings and to Present Day US Dollars
Ever wonder how rich the characters were in historical fiction from in 19th century (1800s) British novels (Sherlock Holmes, Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte, Jane Austen)? Convert sovereigns, pounds, shillings and guineas into present day US dollars to find out.
This converts to about $0.
Famous Character's Wealth
- In Sherlock Holmes The Hound of the Baskervilles, Henry Baskerville inherited a fortune of £1 million. This converts to about between $255,484,149 to $450,343,573.
- Emma in Jane Austen's Emma had a dowry of about £30k. This converts to about between $7,664,524 to $13,510,307.
- Mr Darcy in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice had an income of £10k per year. This converts to about between $2,554,841 to $4,503,436.
- Mr Bennet in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Colonel Brandon in Sense and Sensibility both had an incomes of £2k per year. This converts to about between $510,968 to $900,687. This is a large sum, but not enough for Mr Bennet's large family.
- Pip in Great Expectations recieved an allowance of £500 per year from a mysterious benefactor. This converts to about between $127,742 to $225,172.
- Jane Eyre in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre earned £30 per year as a governess for Mr. Rochester. This converts to about between $7,665 to $13,510.
- Price per Gram Updated 7/25/2020
- Value of Gold per Gram : $61.48
- Value of Silver per Gram : $0.74
- This estimate is based on the current monetary value of the same weight of silver and gold and is not an inflation calculator.
- These values are just for fun. You can do similar calculations by had.
- These conversions are tied to weights of coins from the 1800s when they were fairly standard for a period of time.
- Pounds were made of 1 troy pound of silver. This converts to about between $255 to $450. The range is due to the prices of gold and silver diverging.
- Sovereigns are worth 1 pound. This converts to about $450.
- Guineas are worth 1 pound 1 shilling. This converts to about $473.
- Silver Shillings in the 1800s did not have 1/20th of the amount of silver but were valued at a fixed rate of 20 shillings to 1 pound coin. This converts to about between $-8 to $1.
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